Peak Oil Prep - Prepare for Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Collapse - Sustainable Living for Home, Neighborhood, Community
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Peak Oil Prep

Prepare for Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Collapse

Sustainable Living for Home, Neighborhood and Community

Format: Paperback - 6" x 9" - 246 pages
ISBN-10: 0965900045
ISBN-13: 9780965900041
LCCN: 2006933552
Publisher: Westsong Publishing

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Peak Oil Prep - book on preparation for peak oil, climate change, and economic collapse
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"From my perspective, anything we can do to build lifeboats for ourselves and our loved ones as we move closer to collapse is essential. Mick Winter’s Peak Oil Prep is a powerful and practical guidebook for doing just that...Winter has provided us with a superb manual containing the basics of preparation for a world which seems both inevitable and not that far in the future."
- Carolyn Baker, Speaking Truth to Power
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"A user's manual for sustainable living with lots of practical tips and links to additional resources. Will help you save money and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle while lowering your ecological footprint. A good book for anyone trying to live sustainably."
- Robert Rapier, The Oil Drum
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"A summary of the many ideas floating around, with the theme of individuals preparing themselves for peak oil and similar events. Author Mick Winter takes a reasonable, moderate tone in presenting the information and references. The book would be most useful for newcomers to the field and might make a good textbook for a short course."
- Energy

"A directory of ideas, resources and information to get you through the coming challenges of energy scarcity, climate change and economic collapse...Mick presents his information with humour and in a very practical and down-to-earth way...Peak Oil Prep provides a wealth of information and should prove useful to anyone trying to Powerdown and make the necessary changes to prosper through the changes that are coming."
- Graham Strouts,
Read the entire review

"Excellent! Very comprehensive with a strong focus on solutions."
- Megan Quinn,, Co-producer of "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil"

"Mick Winter has put together an impressive compendium of what individuals can do to prepare for an energy constrained future."
- David Room,

Prepare now for Peak Oil.
It's up to you.

Our modern global society is heading full speed into the worst crisis in its history. We're rushing faster and faster toward accelerating energy depletion (that means higher gas prices—if gas is even available); likely catastrophic climate change, including rising temperatures and sea levels; and a cyclically certain economic crash. And there are no adults in charge.

Think the government will come to your rescue? Ask the people in New Orleans. You're on your own. And it's time you start getting ready.

Even if you don't accept the likelihood of this challenging future, you can—and should—still take action simply to improve your life. You can save money, bring your family closer together, enjoy a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, and improve the security and well-being of your community.

The suggestions in this book will help you save money and fight global warming by using less energy in your everyday living. You'll discover tips on low-cost heating, cooling, and lighting in your home. You'll get ideas on how to survive with little or no use of a car, how to improve your health, eat better and still save on food bills, and supplement or replace your current income. And you'll learn ways to help, and benefit from, your neighbors and your community.

There are no magic secrets. But there are lots and lots of good ideas that are either free or low-cost to help you spend less, save more, and prepare for an uncertain future.

Why wait? The sooner you start, the better.


Mick Winter is the host of two popular Peak Oil websites: and He lives in California's Napa Valley.

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